«I knew that I was made for great things, I became resourceful, I had the time investment and financial investment as limiting beliefs, If I was willing to invest in myself I can show up and say that there’s value to invest in yourself»
I have invested more in degrees and now I see more potential in earn more in this thing. «Now I get to work on what I love, I have 1:1 clients and group coaching program established, I have flexibility and my productivity has increased»
At the time when I started with you I didn’t know how to consistently write content, and I wanted to know how to become confident on sales conversations.
I used to be afraid of selling and I used to play avoidance to people.
«I feel relieved now, I feel the momentum, I learned how to write great content, how to talk to high level clients, this has changed my life Natali»
I finished my coaching certification as health and life coach and I had some pro-bonos but none of them signed with me as paid clients. Then after working with you Natali, finally I can say : «no more free coaching for me, now I can go on vacation with my family and be well paid, this is exciting.
I didn’t know how to talk to people, I was telling them how to solve the problem, I was always pleasing prospects , now I am looking at their pain, use their words, feel what is touching them and I can reach the clients now and now I am very busy with them.
I didn’t have an offer or curriculum designed, before starting working together I bought some courses from Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi without making much progress. Now I am working with my dream client.